Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Modern Women or Glorified whore?

In a world where instant gratification
is not only expected but demanded,
From Music Downloads to Movies on demand.
Our generation expects everything fast and
easy. Have women now applied this ideal to

With the large increase of sexual transmitte
d diseases, and women becoming famous for ha
ving sex with celebs (I.e. Katt Stacks).I'm
m left to wonder is women who wait extinct?
Or is it because men have realized if you
won't fuck on the first date there is 5 more
girls who will? There was a time when
fucking someone you barely know was frowned
upon and gave you a bad reputation, now
its ok even expected. Is this New Trend a
sign of an evolution of our generation or
the demise? We might now be entering a
time where multiple sex partners and
sexual promiscuity is expected from men
AND women.

Now as a Women I'm all
for promoting women being comfortable with
there sexuality, not fearing being labeled
a whore because of what they do behind
closed doors. At what point does it go
from being grown and doing "Adult" things
to Being a down right ho? At what point does
your sexual indiscretions go from making you
a modern women or a Whore?