Monday, December 12, 2011

Logic VS Emotion

 Women. Were beautiful and majestic creatures we birth children, work, go to school, were nurturing, caring and all around amazing. let's face it we are human beings and we are not without faults. We Sometimes care to much, can't let go, Hold on to bad relationships and mess up good ones.

Women being nurturing can sometimes hurt us were so hell bent on "nursing" a man we don't realize we're neglecting ourselves, Being in a relationship does not mean losing apart of yourself. Make sure that, the man is just as willing to take care of you as you are him.  Relationships are about being partners and I think sometimes that we forget a partnership takes more than one party to work efficiently. Yes we all ideally want a relationship, but being in a bad relationship is just as bad as being single. You emotionally drain yourself til the point of not being able to be able offer yourself fully to the next man, because you wasted so much of yourself on Mr. Wrong.

How can you stop falling for Mr. Wrong? How can you stop having bad relationship after bad relationship? The answer is simple really, Listen to your gut instinct. I'm not talking about women's intuition because we all know that can sometimes fail us. No, I'm talking about listening to that little feeling you get that tells you something is off proceed with caution. A lot of times that caution sign should be a STOP sign you KNOW something is off but being a woman you feel the need to see it through, thinking maybe your missing out on a good thing. stop "Following" through on things that are destined to fail, because before you know it you wake up years have passed and you've wasted your time on the wrong man because your scared to let go. 

Listening to your instincts is something we all need to do more often. Its the part of us that tells us when there is danger around us, don't go down that block, don't get on that train. There is something not right about this situation. We often head to these signs in our daily lives but are scared to follow it when it comes to love. Most times as females we tend to let our emotions over power our logic, and honestly we really can't help it because we are wired this way. Now I'm not suggesting you stop listening to your heart just make sure your giving your mind its fair share in the spotlight as well, because by doing this you may find out you will be successful in life AND Love.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Women Want

Although most men think women are confused, and have no idea what they want (this is sometimes true). There are very basic standards  that we expect from a man who is the object of our affection. These rule are the foundation for making a women happy, so listen up!
Whether she is an attention whore or doesn't need much to keep her happy ALL women need attention from the man in their life. A Phone call (yes pick up the phone and actually call ), a text, email, Facebook message. A women wants to know she's thought of and that she has crossed your mind. This simple gesture can keep her mind from wondering "Is He thinking about me??” 

Either in private or in public, being affectionate with your lady can show her your not just friends. That you crave to be closer to her and let's face it women LOVE to be wanted. It can be simple from hugs to kisses to simply holding hands. Doing these small things is sure to keep a smile on her face.
Last but certainly not least. A women needs to know where she stands in your life. Most  want monogamy; we want to feel like we’re the only woman in your world. The main object of your affection and attention, we need to be reassured that the feelings are mutual and that our hearts are safe with you. Spend time with her, she wants to feel special, not just another thing on your to do list. She needs to know she's a priority in your life. How you treat others should have no bearing on how you treat her. If she is special and a good women treat her as such. Let your lady know she's appreciated and not taken for granted.
Although Females are extremely complex people and no two females are alike, we tend to have similar ideals about how we would like to be treated. A happy woman is a woman who will want to make you happy and isn't that essentially what men want? 
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