Social networks..We all have them. Whether your updating your Facebook status, Tweeting, posting a picture to Instagram, On Tumblr or any other number of social networks. Being on them has become apart of our daily lives, we use them to connect with friends co workers and even our significant other/ Boo thing/ Him/ Her/ Friend with benefits. Connecting with significant others on social networks can be a gift and a curse, it can get easy to get lost in the ease of posting a status instead of picking up the phone. Although we tend to express out selves freely on them, before you pick up your phone and sign on to Facebook read the good, the bad and the ugly of Social networking and relationships.
The Good. Being friends on a social network with your significant other gives you a look into how they interact with others. There friends, family and co-workers. From that picture of them from high school or the funny family video they upload. It can show you a side of them you haven't seen and may bring you closer. You can tag pictures, laugh at their Instagram uploads and RT some interesting post on twitter. It also shows a sense of trust, what you do on social networks on display for them to clearly see leaving little room for lack of trust to happen.
The Bad. Sharing social networks can show some great qualities of your mate, it can also show you some ones you might not be so excited about. If you or your mate are particularly jealous this can sometimes cause problems. A lot of people tend to be upset with how their S/O interacts with social networks. What you may consider flirting your mate may not which can cause a strain on the relationship. You may not want to see your mate sending smiling faces or posing in pictures with others, this is where it can get ugly!
The Ugly. Even if your partner does something on a social network that makes you want to seek revenge DON'T!!!! Resist the urge to resort to social networks to discuss what is angering you in your relationship. That status about your boyfriend being an asshole, although can be deleted will not be forgotten! It will only give people a platform to chime on what's going on. Whatever issues are going on in your relationship should be private! Vent to a friend not Facebook! you won't have to worry about your friend raising an eyebrow when your back to posting about your happy relationship. That brings me to my next point. Although there is nothing wrong with sharing your happy relationship, its important to remember people subscribe/Friend/Follow you because they are interested in YOU! Over publicizing your relationship can not only be annoying but it can lead you to the scrutiny of others. Nothing wrong with sharing your happiness but make sure that your profile is still yours.
Social networking can be a great way to interact, share, and promote but it is also important to remember unplug and enjoy life with others!